Thursday, September 6, 2007

Beaded Crocheted bracelets

I am still fund-raising for Candlelight Books, a literacy program to send used books from the States to remote elementary schools in the Philippines.

Check out my Etsy.Com and buy yourself a bracelet or 2. Some of the proceeds will go to fund the shipping costs for a shipment this September.

Meantime, check out some crocheted and beaded bracelets for sale for only $5 each (plus $4.50 shipping costs).

Many thanks!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Grocery Bag Project

My next project is to crochet my own grocery mesh bags so I may rid our household of the plastic bags that mess up the environment.

Here are the contending patterns I am considering:

DIY Mesh bag pattern
for $1.99

or the long shopping bag

among others.

Hope to get started and will let you know about it!